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FAQ's & How to Try It FREE

Video: Before & After Pics + Reviews for Eczema Cream

Video: How to Try Eczema Cream FREE



0:26 FAQ #1. How can I try it FREE before I buy it?

3:54 FAQ #2. Can I use this on my face?

4:44 FAQ #3. Can I use this on a baby/toddler?

6:56 FAQ #4. Can I use this on my scalp?

7:29 FAQ #5. Can this improve discoloration?

9:03 FAQ #6. Why don't you put before & after pics in your ads?

9:35 FAQ #7. Is this really a black owned business?

10:26 FAQ #8. How long does shipping take?

11:14 FAQ # 9. Can this be used for {insert skin condition here}?

12:16 FAQ #10. Does this contain steroids?

13:12 FAQ #11. I don't have eczema but what do you put on your hair???

18:56 FAQ #12. Why does it cost so much?